Try our pricing calculator.

We offer a pay-as-you-go live streaming and video hosting service with unlimited usage.
Only pay for what you use, and get all the features you need included.


Estimated cost per video/live stream*


No hidden fees, no limits.

We offer a transparent, usage-based pricing model with no hidden fees or limits. Pay only for what you use, and scale up or down as needed.

Get started for free east


keyboard_arrow_downWhat are the free limits?
You’ll get:
  • 2 hours of live streaming/video upload
  • 2 hours of simulcasting
  • 50 hours of delivery time (View time by audience)
  • 100 emails sent
keyboard_arrow_downHow do I get started without a credit card?
Simply sign up to explore Beestreamed—no payment information required.
keyboard_arrow_downAre there any bindings?
No, we don't have any bindings. You can freely use up your free trial limits without ever committing to a subscription or adding a payment method.
keyboard_arrow_downWhat makes Beestreamed different from other platforms?
Unlike traditional subscriptions, Beestreamed offers a flexible, usage-based model with no upfront fees and no limits on audience size or webinar length.
keyboard_arrow_downCan I use Beestreamed without downloading software?
Yes! Beestreamed works entirely in your browser—no downloads required.

Experience the simplicity of Beestreamed today!

Get started for free with no credit card, no downloads, and no hidden fees. Beestreamed makes webinar hosting simple, professional, and accessible for everyone.

Get started for free east